our Projects

A Proven Track Record of Success

A Legacy of Accomplishments

Our portfolio of completed work is our proof of concept: buildings we helped rise out of the earth or existing buildings we brought into the new century. Each record exemplifies our commitment to quality, precision and professionalism. With unwavering focus on exceptional results, we have executed numerous high-value construction projects, leaving a lasting mark of excellence across various industries. 

From iconic commercial buildings to state-of-the-art infrastructure, our portfolio showcases our ability to bring visionary concepts to life, on time and within budget. 

Discover more about how we have transformed visionary concepts into tangible masterpieces, leaving an iconic mark on Australia’s architectural landscape. 

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years of operation

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Projects Completed

Our Projects

We deliver exceptional projects, backed by an agile and dynamic team with diverse experience.

Our Clients

Building Trust, Fostering Relationships

Our success lies in the long-lasting partnerships we forge with our clients. We understand that executive-level businesses require a project management partner they can trust implicitly.

Our focus on open communication, collaboration, and delivering on commitments has earned us the trust of CEOs, business owners, and management teams. 

We take pride in our track record of client satisfaction, and the repeat business and referrals we receive is a testament to our unwavering dedication. 

Client Testimonials

You didn’t hear it from us!

"…Empire were always responsive to our needs and ensured that value was derived from all design and related procurement decisions."

Daniel Ross General Manager - Property, The Crescent Hotel

"The University stakeholders were greatly impressed with Empire's professionalism and commitment to efficiently meeting the projects objectives within the agreed constraints..."

Bill Vertsonis Senior Project Manager, Macquarie University

"He has provided invaluable advice and guidance to our management and the project team to ensure that our projects were delivered on time, on brief and within budget."

Darren Marino Group Chief Operating Officer, Mounties Group

"Empire has ensured that the project was delivered to the high standard that was required and any issues were dealt with in a professional manner."

Ian Sutcliffe QLD Asset Manager, Stockland

"we were appreciative of the diligence they applied when representing our interests in the day to day running of the project, providing leadership, guidance and experience to the project team."

Mark Crick General Manager Assest Management, Redcape Hotel Group

"As Empire have demonstrated numerous times in the past, they were able to really understand the operational imperatives of the business, develop and manage implementation of strategies to best meet our needs."

Joe Saleh General Manager - Developments, Redcape Hotel Group

Choose us once, you'll partner with us forever.