Ways That A Client-Side Project Manager Can Add Value To Your Project

A client-side project manager can bring a wealth of experience and resources to the table. They understand what it takes to make a project successful and can help you stay on track and manage multiple competing priorities. They know how to identify and mitigate risks, plan for contingencies, negotiate key contracts, and develop strategies for meeting deadlines. Plus, with their deep understanding of project management tools and processes, they can help streamline your efforts and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

With their expertise, you can be sure that your project is well-managed, on track, and on budget to be delivered to your requirements. Enlisting the services of a client-side project manager can provide peace of mind, allowing you to sleep well at night and remain stress-free, knowing that your project is being expertly handled and managed.


A client-side project manager is a fully independent expert that manages the full project lifecycle for their client. Client-side project managers are incredibly important in today’s business world. They serve as a bridge between clients, external suppliers, and internal employees, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the brief. Client-side project managers act as not only the eyes and ears of the client, monitoring progress to ensure the best possible outcome for their investment but also their arms and legs to get a handle on all aspects of a project to ensure that it stays on track. To read on about their importance and role, see our 5 reasons to use a client-side project manager for your next construction project.


1. Understand the Client’s Business and Industry
Client-side project managers need to be in tune with the client’s business and industry so they can better anticipate potential issues and come up with solutions that are tailored specifically to their client. They must also have a deep understanding of the current market trends, customer demands, and industry regulations in order to create plans that make sense for a particular client and their industry, whilst anticipating and mitigating risks.
With this knowledge, they are able to lead the team in a successful direction and ensure that the project goals are met on time, within budget, and within the brief. Furthermore, having a good grasp of the client’s business allows for better communication between all parties involved, leading to stronger relationships and greater trust. When dealing with multi-millions of dollars, trust is a critical element to any project partnership.

2. Keep an Open Line of Communication with the Client
Keeping an open line of communication is key in client-side project management since it allows both parties to stay informed and up to date on the project’s progress. Having frequent check-ins also allows for any potential issues or misunderstandings to be addressed before they can become bigger problems. A ‘no surprises’ approach is critical to achieving this.
Furthermore, it allows for progress reports and updates to be provided often which helps keep the client engaged in the project even when there are long periods of time between check-ins and allows regular updates to be passed on to other internal stakeholders of a business. Ultimately, maintaining strong lines of communication enables both parties to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands what is expected of them. This can be particularly helpful in the construction and refurbishment industry, where the project’s timeline is often largely influenced by many different factors, which is why a client-side project manager in this case can provide flawless support for the client and is an invaluable tool. For more information, read on about How a Client-Side Project Manager Can Support Construction and Refurbishment Projects.

3. Manage Expectations on Both Sides
Client-side project managers must manage expectations on both sides of the project to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be done. This is important because it sets a clear path to success and prevents miscommunication or misunderstandings from arising during the course of the project. This not only helps avoid potential conflicts but also gives both sides the opportunity to be open and honest with each other throughout the process.
By managing expectations, client-side project managers are able to ensure that everyone involved is aware of what needs to be done and has realistic deadlines to meet. This allows them to better manage their time and resources while also improving overall project efficiency. With proper expectations defined and understood, projects can be completed on time, within budget and to the brief while still achieving the desired results.

4. Facilitate and Manage Project Resources
Client-side project managers are vital when it comes to managing project resources and making sure that projects progress smoothly. By closely monitoring the progress of projects, they can identify potential issues before they become costly or time-consuming. They also help ensure that the project team is adequately resourced so that deadlines are met on time and within budget.
By facilitating communication between client-side stakeholders and those working on the project, the project manager is able to ensure that resources are used in accordance with the overall goals and objectives of the project. This helps ensure that projects stay on track and are completed within budget. Additionally, by addressing any issues or concerns quickly, client-side project managers can prevent costly delays or disruptions from occurring.

5. Produce Regular Project Updates
Client-side project managers produce regular project updates to ensure that any issues or concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Keeping clients informed of the progress and potential risks of a project also helps to build trust and credibility, as well as prevent delays. Regularly updated project data helps to ensure that everyone is aware of any changes or new developments, as well as how the project is progressing overall.
Additionally, updated reports provide more accurate data for forecasting future projects, and setting more realistic goals and timelines for upcoming work. Without this essential data, it’s almost impossible to keep projects on schedule. By producing regular project updates, Client-Side Project Managers can ensure that their reports are accurate and up-to-date, giving them the best chance of achieving success in their projects.

6. Ensure That the Project is Completed on Time, Within Budget, and to the Brief
It’s essential for client-side project managers to ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the brief. Not only does this make an organization look good, but it’s also important in maintaining a positive client relationship. When deadlines are missed, budgets are exceeded or the brief is not met, clients may become impatient and frustrated which can lead to additional costs or worse yet, lost customers. Furthermore, staying within budget, on time, and to the brief helps to ensure that projects are profitable for the organization. If a project is completed late, over budget, or off brief, there may be minimal or no profits at all. As such, it’s in the best interest of client-side project managers to make sure that their projects are completed successfully within their specified timelines, budgets, and brief. It’s important to remember that when a project is successful, everyone wins!

Contact us today for any Project Management Services tailored to your individual needs, which cover every stage of your project. As professional and experienced project management consultants, you’ll love our responsiveness, reliability, and energy for every service we offer – please see our list of services for further details.

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